With high hopes & a forecast of some nice weather we headed down to Otherton for the Staffordshire Aero Club's summer fly-in... Now this bit is starting to sound like an all too familiar story... When we arrived the weather was perfectly flyable, with lots of blue sky clearly visible, but this was short lived as a bank of low cloud moved up from the south, and then it started raining! A few hardly flyers did make an appearance but it was very slow going, with the airfield being quiet.

G-BZHO Quantum
G-BZPZ Blade

G-CBHM Blade
G-CCXN SkyRanger
G-CDIG Eurostar



G-CEDX Eurostar
G-CEJW Ikarus C42

G-CFMI SkyRanger

G-CGPW X'Air Hawk

G-CHHB Foxbat

G-FBAT Foxbat

G-MVBL Gamini Flash
G-MYTP Arrowflight Hawk (Stored)
G-OFGC Foxbat

G-OSCR Robinson R44
G-SAVY Savannah

G-SCPD Escapade

G-TIFG Ikarus C42
G-BZHO Quantum
G-BZPZ Blade
G-CBHM Blade
G-CCXN SkyRanger
G-CDIG Eurostar
G-CEDX Eurostar
G-CEJW Ikarus C42
G-CFMI SkyRanger
G-CGPW X'Air Hawk
G-CHHB Foxbat
G-FBAT Foxbat
G-MVBL Gamini Flash
G-MYTP Arrowflight Hawk (Stored)
G-OFGC Foxbat
G-OSCR Robinson R44
G-SAVY Savannah
G-SCPD Escapade
G-TIFG Ikarus C42